Omics Workshop III
Joint *omics course No. 3
Coordinators: Prof. Dr. H. A. Kestler & Dr. S. Wiese
The Core Units Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics and Bioinformatics organize a one week compact workshop on following topics:
Part I (Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics):
- Probe preparation
- Mass spectrometry
- Data analysis
Part II (Bioinformatics):
- Introduction to R
- NGS data analysis
- Modelling of gene regulatory networks
The Workshop is limited to 6 participants per part.
Workshop will be week 2019-11-11 to 2019-11-15
Part I: 2019-11-11 to 2019-11-13 (noon)
Part II: 2019-11-13 (noon) to 2019-11-15
Room and Timetable will be provided via email
If you want to participate in parts of the workshop, please complete the registration form.
First come first serve principle applies!