Medical Faculty, Ulm University

Contact Form

Please fill out this form as a basis to discuss your project.
We will reply and suggest a meeting to discuss the bioinformatics needs of your project and to find out how CUBI can help you.
Together, we will detail services which CUBI can provide, define a framework of operation for your project, milestones etc.

Describe your research, as far as necessary to understand the data and analysis goal. Are other people/groups involved, who have extra information or should be included in communication?
Species used for the experiment (detailed strain information, if applicable). Sample structure that underlies your experiment (treatments, groups, replicate sizes).
Technologies / companies / programs that were involved to generate the input data. Format of the data; higher-order file structure of the data (if applicable). If your data was generated by another Core Facility, then give the associated project ID.
Describe the desired analysis as detailed as possible. If you refer to a published analysis procedure, then specify all relevant literature.
Are there commercial options for analysis of the data? What vendor, costs?

Data provided by you in the form will be processed by us for answering your request and for establishing contact. For processing we refer to Art. 6. Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO, unless otherwise provided by law. A transfer to third parties does not take place. As far as the consent is not revoked, it is valid indefinitely. The data processed before we receive your request may still be legally processed. The consent is voluntary. The refusal of consent or its revocation does not result in any disadvantages. You may revoke your consent at any time by sending an email to cubi[at] In case of cancellation your data will be deleted immediately. Your data will otherwise be deleted if we have processed your request or the purpose of storage is omitted. Further information on data protection can be found in the privacy policy of this website. By submitting the form you agree to the processing of your data.

I agree to these conditions. (mandatory!)